24 May 2011

Slovakia Church Books

One of the benefits of the many new wonderful databases available at www.familysearch.org is the records that are becoming available for those researching their ancestry in locations where records are less available. A very good example of these type records are the Slovakia Church Books, 1592-1910.

While at first look this may not seem like a source where many would find their Jewish ancestors, since a synagogue is not a church, a deeper look into the collection finds the following description. It states that this collection includes "images of baptisms/births, marriages, and burials that occurred in the Roman Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran, and Reformed Church parishes, as well as Jewish congregations in Slovakia. Includes records from archives in Presov and Bratislava."

The database is easy to use and includes many wonderful images. The first step is to visit http://www.familysearch.org/ and find the world map.

Clicking on the heading for Europe will then direct you to all the databases for countries within the European community. That list will include the record collections for the country of Slovakia. That list (below) shows 2 different collections, both with images included.

Clicking on the link for Slovakia Church books, 1592-1910, will provide a list of the communities within certain counties. By following the link on a county above, the birth, marriage and death records become available. Those shown below are for the area of Senec.

The records of Jews from Slovakia will be found in the Knowles Collection - Jews of Europe.

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