16 May 2011

Lithuania Jewish Cemetery Project

One of the major problems that we face as we look for our Jewish ancestors is overcoming the loss of those records or artifacts that have disappeared over time. Included in this list would be items such as records of birth, marriage and death, family knowledge from those who have passed on, and the destruction or neglect of monuments, such as cemetery headstones. It is a problem faced by all, but especially important in those areas hard hit by the World War II.
One such area is Lithuania. The good people of the Lithuanian Jewish Cemetery Project are trying to correct this problem. According to their website (litvak-cemetery.info) there were once more that 200 Jewish Cemeteries in pre-war Lithuania. They hope to record, document and preserve all of the information from the cemeteries that still exist so that the information these monuments provides will not be lost to future generations.
As the work goes forth, the website lists those Cemeteries which have been included and those that are coming. By clicking on a link for a cemetery it is possible to see the monuments of your ancestors and what translation has been done.
From this list (at left) it is easy to see that the records included are from many locations throughout the country, a truly valuable source for anyone with family from Lithuania, and an incredible project for anyone interested in preserving the past, and making sure future generations never forget the great sacrifice of our ancestors. I would encourage all to visit the web page and see how they can be of help.
A special thanks to Marla Raucher Osborn for bringing this to my attention.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for interest in our website. The work has just begun and we are looking forward to develop the project in future. If you have any ideas, suggestions, thoughts please contact me . You will find my email on our website.
    best wishes,
    Alex Avramenko
