14 February 2011

Guild Of One-Name Studies

Over the past months I have written about families that have either great family websites or family organizations. Most recently the family Toledano was mentioned. The question is, how does one find if such an organization exists for their particular surname? One very good way to fins such an organization would be to check the website of The Guild of One-Name Studies (www.one-name.org).
Reader Debbie Kennett was kind enough to remind me of the work of this organization. Founded in 1979, the Guild of One-Name Studies is now home to more than 7,850 surname studies registered by over 2,300 people. Debbie's own work on the Cruse/Cruwys family can be found there, and provides a wonderful example of how a study can create a great location for those researching family names to come together.
This website should be one of the first stops for anyone researching their family surname, or registering a new name. Thanks Debbie, for a great reminder.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you (and Debbie) for mentioning the Guild web site. I tried finding my own surname, but no success. However, the site listed other URLs offering the same type of service, and I was successful there.
