23 February 2015

Canadian Headstones

This past week FamilySearch has added another database of records supplied by a partner website. In this case the database is a name index to the headstone transcriptions made available by www.canadianheadstones.com. According to the CanadianHeadstones website, they have over 1 million headstones available online.
In searching the database at FamilySearch, I entered the surname Cohen into the search box. I was informed that over 1,000 records were returned. The image below shows the first page of those results.

From the list I clicked on the name Florinda Cohen. The database provided me with all the information contained on the website.

By following the link to the partner website, located at the right of the above image, I was then taken to the website which provided me with the actual image of the headstone (see below).

For those with Jewish family who may have been in Canada, this is another great resource. Many thanks to the CanadianHeadstones website for making these records available for free through FamilySearch.

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