30 April 2012

St. Kilda Cemetery, Melbourne, Australia

Recently, while visiting the beautiful city of Melbourne, Australia to speak at the Great Solomon Reunion, I was lucky enough to have my hotel close to the St. Kilda Cemetery. As I walked to my talk I passed by the front gate of this beautiful resting place for so many Jews of the area.
Following the day's activities I was able to return to this burial ground and document the valuable information contained on these stones. This information is now being added to the Knowles Collection - Jews of the British Isles, and will be available after the next update.


  1. Todd,
    Great to see you highlighting an Australian Resource. Migt I suggest that Australian records be placed in a different collction from British Isles as Australia is not part of that group.

  2. Its a great thought, in what database would you place it. would

  3. Todd - Jill makes a good point. Why would Australians be listed under the British Isles?

  4. In the next update, some time in June they will have be in the Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands database.
