09 March 2011

Belfast City Burial Database

During this past week some of the burial records for the City of Belfast have gone online. Not all records are available at this time, however the records of over 360,000 burials are included. Of the three cemeteries currently available the most useful from Jewish researchers will be the Belfast City Cemetery, which includes it's Jewish section. The records from this cemetery date back to 1869.

The database (http://www.belfastcity.gov.uk/burialrecords/search.asp) which is free to access is very easy to use. The database can be searched by both first and last name as well as year of burial. One of the nice features is that if a date is unknown, it can be searched by decade simply by just listing the first 3 numbers, such as 192 for any burial in the 1920's.

A simple search for the surname Rutenburg yielded the following results;

By following the search through and clicking on the details tab, I was able to receive the following information;
This database will be a great source for those researching their Irish Jewish ancestors, and many thanks to the City of Belfast for making it possible.

1 comment:

  1. Why is there an Irish Tricolour when Belfast is Part of the United Kingdom. The Flag should be the UK Flag
