The city itself is believed to have very ancient origins. Some believe it to be linked to the city of Celetrum, which was captured by the Romans in about 200 B.C. Kastoria, is also an old Jewish Community, dating back to at least the 10th Century, when it was inhabited by Greek Jews. In the 15th and 16th centuries the community was filled with Sephardic Jews, the descendants of those that had fled the Spanish Inquisition. They were drawn to Kastoria bye the expanding fur business.
Located between the cities of Thessaloniki and Ioannina, Kastoria was located on the ancient trade route which made it a very important commercial city. This location and the quality of the work made the city famous for its leather and fur (mink) products.
In the early 1900's, group's of Jewish Immigrants working in the fur business began making their way to North America, most settling in places such as New York and Montreal. When those that settled in Montreal discovered they couldn't get the skilled workers they needed, they simply contacted the most skilled they could find. They went to Kastoria, and recruited workers. Even to this day many of those involved in the fur trade in Montreal are of Greek origin, most from Kastoria.
Today, the Furriers of Kastoria, are known worldwide for their quality of work. In addition to the Montreal community, large populations exist in New York (about 30,000) and Frankfurt, Germany (10,000). The Jewish population of Kastoria, which stood at about 1500 Jews at the turn of the 20th century, today only numbers a handful.
In the near future, the records of the people of Kastoria will begin to be added to the Knowles Collection.
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ReplyDeleteMy wife is the granddaughter of Chaim Elias and Matilda Ovadia Elias from Kastoria. The other names in her family were Pardo, Russo, Confino and Pesserillo. The family settled in NYC on Allen Street then New Lots in Brooklyn.
DeleteMy grandfather and great grandfather came from Castoria to the USA in 1910. My grandftaher was Moishe (AKA Mooshiko) Assael and my great grandfather was Aaron "Behor" Assael. His wife, my great grandmother, was Bella Galano Assael, who died shortly after coming to the USA. The story goes is that she went back to Kastoria and died shortly afterwards. My great grandfether quickly remarried a Sophia Elias, also from Kastoria, and they came back to the USA and had 7 more kids. They settle in the Lower east Side (81 Ludlow St) from 1910-1922-ish before moving to East harlem (10 East 113th St)in 1920s, then to bensonhurt (5801 20th Ave) by 1928 along with the kastoria society. Some of bella Galano's family settled in Rio DeJeniro, brzil, where many still reside. There was a relative named Fina eskanzi my grandfather used to talk about. Any relationship?
DeleteI cannot believe this! My grandmother was Matilda Russo. She was from Kastoria, and I will be visiting there for the first time in my life in a few weeks. My grandfather was Abraham Pesserillo, and they lived on New Lots avenue.
DeleteEveryone posts here anonymously, but I'd love to hear from relatives from that area. I'm feinf@umich.edu. Perhaps they won't allow emails, so that is F E I N F "at" U M I C H "dot" E D U. I'd love to hear from you.
Hello, my Husband is Robert Confino, Confino was his maternal grandfathers name. My father in law was known as Caliph Confino, but is birth name was Caliph Elias. He was born in Kastoria, his grandparents were Anna? and Leon (Baruch) Confino. he was born we think in 1902 and came to America about 1904 or 5. Any information you might have would be wonderful. Sincerely, Barbara Confino
DeleteMy E-Mail address issd zejbre@optonline.net
My grandmother was Mozelto Alias (maiden name). My grandfather was Avram Assael. the were from Kastoria . They moved to, and lived in Bensonhurst Bklyn their entire lives. I would love to take a fam trip with my grown children - and to be able to look up some records- birth, marriage, etc in some archives there, if possible.
DeleteAaron "Behor" Assael's wife, Sophia Elias was my great-grandfather Avraham's sister! I also have a few Russos and Mayos in my family!
DeleteThis is in response to a post dated May 23, 2013.
My family is Galano, from Rio de Janeiro,. My grandpa's name was Vitalis Galano. My family has moved to the US 20 years ago. Id love to get kn touch with the author of the post.
Shana Tova!
I am from a family of Mevorahs and Roussos. Relatives immigrated to the US in the early 20th century to Brooklyn, NY from Kastoria. Looking to trace family history as far back as possible. (Spain???) Any information would be greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteImmigrated from Kastoria, grandfather's family started moving to Chicago in before 1920 from Allen Street in NYC. My grandfather sir name Ventura. His mother was Mevorah and they lived for a while on Allen Street in NYC. Please forward any information to Marikov@aol.com. We would love to hear of any more connections.
DeleteMy email has changed. Please reply to Marikov1128@att.net
DeleteMY Grandmother was from Castoria, Sarah Mevorah, married my grandfather Isaac Baroh and settled in Seattle and raised her family. I have a family tree on two different sites that I can share. WE were in Greece last summer and stopped in Catoria.
DeleteOne of our tour guides is Tilda Mevorah who lives in Solonica, still trying to find exact relationship. my name Stan Morhaime email stansm206@gmail.com
My mother is a Mevorah. some of the family names were Russo Mayo Elias. I am interested in doing some research on the family. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteMy family is from KASTORIALI. They arrived in 1910. The family names include Assael: Galvanometers: and Elias.
DeleteI am very passionate about this family's history. I recently came across a book written in French circa 1920s. Its called "the history of the Jew of KASTORIA". An English updated version is currently in the works. BUT if you go to the American Sephardic Federation (West 16th Street; nyc) they have a reserve room with a copy of the 1920s French version. Maybe this can hell
In Brooklyn New York, located at 1926 63 Street there is an orthodox Sephardic Kehilah(synagogue). Shabbat services are held 9:15 AM j cohen
DeleteI cannot believe this! My grandmother was Matilda Russo. She was from Kastoria, and I will be visiting there for the first time in my life in a few weeks. My grandfather was Abraham Pesserillo, and they lived on New Lots avenue.
ReplyDeleteEveryone posts here anonymously, but I'd love to hear from relatives from that area. I'm feinf@umich.edu. Perhaps they won't allow emails, so that is F E I N F "at" U M I C H "dot" E D U. I'd love to hear from you.
My grandmother's maiden name was Pitsrillo, could be just a variation of Pessirillo. Her father was Morris, her mother Goldie (don't know her maiden name). As far as I know they were from Ioannina. Morris died young, their 4 children were all girls. Only have the married name of my grandmother (of course) and one other sister, Mazalo Pitsrillo Ellias. Whereabouts and descendants of the other sisters, Esther and Sylvia, is unknown.
DeleteMy grandmother was born some time around 1884-1886. Maybe you have some Pesserillo relatives that connect with my Pitsrillo!
my email: "matzanews@gmail.com" is because I am compiling information on the Matza family, my mother's father's family. His name was Joseph Matza.
Would like to hear from you,
Rhonda Saldias
Fred, Please keep us posted on your trip. My grandparents came from Kastoria to the lower east side in 1913 and later lived in Manhattan Beach, Bkln. My grandmother's maiden name was Russo. Susan riverofgold@comcast.net
DeleteMy grandparents, Sason and Leah (Pesserillo) Mevorah lived at 601 Williams Ave, a block from New Lots Ave. My mother Flora was born there, as were her sisters Sarah (Billie), and Sophie. Meyer (MICKEY) and Isadore (Izzy)were born there also. Sister Rebecca (Becky) was born in Kastoria. Lewbell@gmail.com
ReplyDeletemy grandmother was Esther Pesserillo she and my grandfather Benjamin Yahya lived on the lower east side than moved to new lots Hinsdale and riverdale ave 475 riverdale ave I am interested in finding my roots anyone out their think you can help me they had 6 children all gone now I am the first granddaughter born please reply to daiseymay18 @Hotmail.com
DeleteMy Grandmother Sarah Cohen Pardo , my mother Bettie, Uncle Jack Pardo , my sister Jerilyn,my Father Philip and me , Anita. Lived at 565 Williams Ave, Brooklyn. I believe I know your Nona's name. I think she played cards with my Grandmother. Please contact me at : anitabroker@optonline.net
DeleteHi! My father had a cousin, Sophie Mevorah. I never understood how we were related, but I have fond memories of Sophie and her daughter Laura (what a great name, Laura Mevorah!). My grandparents were Sarah (Pesserillo sp?) Cohen and Moshe Cohen. Their children were Lou Cohen, Irving (Izzy) Cohen and Ruth Cohen (married name Nussbaum). My grandmother had at least 2 sisters in America: Anna and Mazeltoh (sp?). You can contact me at: douginca@roadrunner.com
DeleteI got back from my trip to Kastoria! I met a woman whose parents knew my grandmother, who left nearly 100 years ago. Unreal.
ReplyDeleteSadly, there is nothing left there of the Jewish community. ONE family, and a memorial (of which I have photos now). It's a gorgeous town, with very friendly people. I hope to go back again some day...
my grandmother was Esther Pesserillo does the name mean anything to you
DeleteI sure hope so her sister in law was Sophie Pesserillo who lived on fountain ave in the project back in the 50's
My grandmother's maden name was Pessirillo. He fist name was Mollie. She married Abraham Nachmias. I believe both are from Ioaninna. My grandmother may be from Pastor is. My mom's name was Esther. As a Sephardic, she was surely named after a living relative.
ReplyDeleteMy father Elias Capsuto (cassuto) was from Castoriaand settled in Chicago IllinoisMarried mymother Perla Sarauese from Chinocollee Turkey He had three\brothers and a sister/. Sam ,Joe,Al and asister Rae who maried Albahae and lived in N.Y.His fathers name ,my grandfather wh I was named after was Hymen Capsuto. They are all deceases now.My maternal grandfather was Judea saracussi.If any one knows any of my family contact me at cappyhy@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletei have just read all your comment im of greek background leaving in melbourne australia but was born in kastoria please do visit kastoria it is the most beatiful place you hav came across and to walk the street your ancestor have please please go and visit you wont be disappointed. thothora
ReplyDeleteDear friends from Kastoria,
ReplyDeleteI am really happy that I have found a group of jewish Kastorians here.
We have just founded an Institute for Research & Cultural Heritage Management in Kastoria, and we want to collect all the information we can find about the jewish heritage in Kastoria, the family histories, maybe artefacts of that time and whatever might help to reconstruct the jewish past of the city.
In case you would like to help us, I wish you could, please contact me:
Best wishes
I'm from Bavaria, Germany. During the last days of the war, in spring 1945, an injured man took refuge in my grandmother's family's barn. His name was Davied Rousso, and he said he came from Kastoria in Greece. He was only about 30 years old, but he was so weak from the death marches that he died in a nearby hospital shortly afterwards. We're looking for his family and found out that his wife Sarah survived the holocaust and lived in the US. She made a request for investigation for Davied in New York in 1985. If you are a relative, please get in touch.
ReplyDeleteHi Judith,
DeleteThat's my Aunt & Uncle. I would love to hear what you know about my Uncle.
I am the granddaughter of Morris mevorah. I believe he had a brother that settled in NY. I am interested in any information you may know about the family. He had a sister Rose that never left Greece and did no survive the war
ReplyDeleteI am a descendent of the DeMayo family from Kasturia and live in Cambridge ,UK.
ReplyDeleteI was born in Jaffa ,Israel and wondered if there are any family relations from Kasturia living
In the U.K. Nathan@barrarchitects.net
Two of my great grandmothers had the maiden name DeMayo and were from Kastoria. They were sisters: Beckie DeMayo, who married Isaac Paparo and Mollie DeMayo, who married Jacob Russo. Their children Meyer Paparo and Sophie Russo, who were first cousins, married and were my maternal grandparents who lived in Brooklyn and later in Miami Beach.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePlease see the Documentary, "TREZOROS" produced by Larry Russo and Larry Confino. My name is Denise Sam. My grandfather was born in 1898 in Salonika. His name was Abraham Pessirilo. He renamed himself Abraham Sam ( his father's first name) when he was released from the service in America. He spoke broken english and feared persecution, thus changing the sirname to Sam. My grandmother, whom he met on the boat, was named Matilda Russo. They had 6 children. My father is Solly Sam. I am Denise Sam, and I love my sephardic heritage. Dsam326@gmail.Com
ReplyDeletesee earlier note on this website from
DeleteFred Feinberg on August 2013. Good luck
Steve Mevorah, Las Vegas
Thanks for noticing! Actually, Denise is my cousin, so we're in touch :)
DeleteMay Grandmother was from Kastoria. Her name was Eva Rousso (Yochevet in hebrew). Her parents were probably Jennie and Jacob Rousso.
ReplyDeletemy father-in/law wasJacob Raphael Pessirilo and he was born in Kastoria. His wife Tchera Ovadia
ReplyDeleteWas born in Istanbul Turkey.
Chested v Emeth Kastoralis,
ReplyDelete1926 63 street
My grandfather, Morris Albala, was the first of the family to migrate from Kastoria to the US in 1908. His 6 brothers and sisters eventually came to the US.
ReplyDeleteMark Albala
Oakland, NJ
My name is Morris Razon. My grandparents Morris Cohen and wife Haido Cohen came from Kastoria in 1920 along with their three daughters, Mollie, Lillie and Betty. They lived first on Orchard St in Manhattan,then
ReplyDeletemoved to Canarsie in Brooklyn which was close to New Lots where many
Kastroilies lived. My grandfather had several brothers who also lived in the New Lots area, one being Sam Cohen who lived on the corner of Now Lots Ave and Pennsylvania Ave.
Luciana- sorry for the long delay responding. I’m the author of the May 23 2013 comment. I’m the descendant of the Galano family. I just emailed you at your email address above. Please get in rich with me - I’m sure we are related.
ReplyDeleteAlso, anyone else from the Assael, Cohen, Elias and Mayo family - let’s connect
Two of my great-grandparents were Kastorian Sephardim: Rachel Hazan Capsuto and Mosco (Morris) Capsuto. They immigrated to Chicago in 1910 and 1905, respectively. My paternal grandfather was their eldest son, Al.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work. :)
Hello Everyone My Great Grand Father was Joseph El Berber Cohen
ReplyDeletehe was one of the First to come From Kastoria and his address was 101 Allen street. he was a sponsor of people from Kastoria and help many immigrants come to New York and settle in the United state. We are related to the Confino's, Cofield's Russo's, Pardo's, Camhi' s, Elise's, Hasson's, Hazzan, Fils I started an Ancestry tree and I'm up to 1208. My cousin Michael Confino\Cofield had about 3000 Family members in his tree but some where listed without names so it was hard for me to add them family members so far. I could only date our Family back to 1825 from Kastoria and Monister. I'm always looking to expand My Cohen tree I have on Ancestry. If you have any information you would like to share please do so. My email is michaco2@gmail.com
My parents were born in Kastoria. Currently I am the director of the Kastoria synagogue in Brooklyn. My grandmother was a Mevorah, and Tilda is my second cousin. We share one set of great grandparents, Menahem and Esther Mevorah
ReplyDeleteShana Tova
Jack Cohen jscdds88@gmail.com