25 October 2010

Follick family of Cardiff, Wales

Between 1890 and 1908, four children of Coleman Follick were married in Cardiff, Wales. This information comes from the records of marriages in Cardiff Synagogue, which are on CD #3210 at the Family History Library. These marriages, of four daughters of Coleman, do not yield a lot of knowledge of the family. Yes, we find, the names and fathers of the new spouses, but not a great deal more. The four daughters are Hinda, Esther, Lena, and Sybil.

It is when we start combining that information with additional records such as census and civil registration, that the full story begins to come out. The census records, such as the 1881 below begin to put the family together.

In addition to the five children in the 1881 census, Coleman and his bride, Sarah Lazarus welcomed 6 others into the family. All but one, a child Joseph, who was born in late 1881 and died a year later, survived to adulthood. The other children were Henry Graham, Jessel, Sybil, Montefiore and Gladys Priscilla.

In addition from Civil Registration we find that Coleman and Sarah were married in Bristol in 1864. Coleman lived to be 77 years of age, dying in Cardiff in 1914, which would have been the year of his and Sarah's 50th Wedding Anniversary. Sarah lived to the age of 78, dying on 9 Nov 1924. Her will dated 8 Jan 1926, can be found in the Principal Probate Registry.

The records of the family of Colman Follick, show just how much can be gleamed by checking all records that are available.

The records of this family are in the Jews of the British Isles database.

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