20 September 2010

The Peixotto Family

Some of the recent additions to the Knowles Collection shows just how much influence one family can have. The Peixotto family becomes a prominent American Jewish family. However, their journey to America is an interesting one.

The Maduro and the Peixotto families, both left Spain to avoid persecution. As with so many others, they made their way first to Amsterdam and then on to Curacao, in the Caribbean. On Aug 18, 1765, Samuel Levy Maduro, son of Moses Levy Maduro married Leah Cohen Peixotto in Curacao. She was the daughter of Daniel Cohen Peixotto. Samuel Levy Maduro then assumed the name of Peixotto. Members of this family then made their home in New York City, arriving in about 1807. Once in America this family married into many other early Jewish families.

Remnants of this family can be found throughout the world Some of the most notable are:
  1. Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto (18 Jul 1800-1843) Born in Amsterdam, the son of Moses Levy Maduro Peixotto. educated in Curacao, he came to new York with his father, and graduated from Columbia at age 16. He then received his medical degree three years later at the age of 19. Frequent contributor and editor to various newspapers. Very active in politics. Also President of the New York Medical Society.
  2. Benjamin Franklin Peixotto (13 Nov 1834-1890). Son of Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto, he was an attorney, American Consul and journalist. Went to Cleveland and became editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. At time of the persecutions of Rumanian Jews, he was appointed by Pres. Grant to be Consu-General to Rumania. His influence led to Rumania being granted Sovereign Kingdom status in1878.
  3. Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto (17 Mar 1854-24 Oct 1898). Captain of the Third Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry. Born in New York, he died in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, from a fever contracted during the Spanish American War. He was military governor and provost marshall of Guantanamo Bay.

The list of distinguished members of this family is almost endless. Their lives impacted not only America but many countries. They are truly an example of the good that can be done in a new homeland. The records of this family can be found in The Jews of The British Isles, The Jews of Europe, The Jews of The Americas and The Jews of the Caribbean. More records are being added now and will be availble in upcoming updates.

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