06 January 2017

Accessing the Knowles Collection

Over the last few weeks I have been asked to review how to access the records of the Knowles Collection. The collection continues to grow and will be updated in the next few days, so this seems like the appropriate time.

Since March of 2016, the collection has been found through the  FamilySearch website (below). The collection can be accessed through the 4 simple steps shown below.

  • Click on the SEARCH tab on the home page of FamilySearch.org. From the drop down menu select Genealogies (Below).

  • This link will take you to the main search page (below). After filling in the name you are searching for, select Community Trees from the drop down box at the bottom of the page. 

  • The results for the search will then be shown. The top entry is the Samuel Montague Gluckstein, that we were looking for. 

  • Clicking on his name at left will take you to the full record (below). The top band on the page identifies the collection as being Community Trees- Jewish Families (Knowles Collection).

From the record above, all of the personal information for Samuel Montague Gluckstein can be accessed. The links in blue and the arrows can be used to find that information.

I am constantly overwhelmed by all of the people who have donated their own family records to the collection. My thanks to you for sharing those records with others, which has been very helpful as researchers have found new connections.

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